Friday, March 20, 2009


Bubbalicious is turning 9 months next wednesday (March 25th) so I thought I would take the opportunity to list a few milestones:

Standing on his own (for more than a few seconds people...I'm talking minutes...genius)

Clapping his hands

dancing (or some sort of moving up and down to music thing)


cruising around the room (using strategically placed furniture)

shaking his head no (as I do not want anymore of that pureed slop mother...)

and....biting. (joy)

the boy has TEETH (finally)...two bottom ones making their way...(hmm, next wean or not to wean)

words (okay fine, babbles):

and once, I swear he said it...mama

He has now tried the following foods: (and will not allow himself to be fed...he feeds himself thank you very much):
Tofu (yeck..i know but he loves the stuff)
potato cubes
egg yolk and cheese

naan (oh my how he loves naan (indian bread)...he followed me around the living room demanding more..mother more! give me more naan!)
kidney beans (i think we can hold off on that again for now...kidney skins the next day if you know what I mean are not pretty)
AND coffee (long story..involving 5 seconds, mom's back turned and a misplaced mug filled with lukewarm coffee...don't judge.)

little man is so big..


Mama said...

Go Levi!

Max challenges you to a cage-match. Okay a playpen-match. Nashville or Philly, your choice homie!

Mama said...

and re: your caffeinated son...tsk tsk Tasha I thought you would have learned your lesson after your 2-year-old liquor fiasco back home LOL