Wednesday, March 3, 2010


The scene: 6:00am, Saturday, Our Room.

Kevin has sleepily stumbled from our bed to Levi's room and returned with a very awake toddler. Kevin settles them both into bed with the hope of catching a few more zzzzs...

Levi: Mama, Daddy....WAKE UP!

Tasha: No Levi, not time yet.

Levi: Luuunch?

Kev: No Levi, go to sleep.

Levi: (trying again) Breakfuust?

Tasha: Levi, please just go night night. (rolls over and pretends to sleep)

Levi: Mac n' Cheese?

Kev: (groans) No mac n' cheese Levi, it nighttime.

Levi: b'nana?

Tasha: (still pretending), no, no b'nana.

Levi: ohs?, bar? (cheerios, cereal bar)

Kev: Levi! No. You. Sleep. (grumble, grumble)

All is silent for a while. Levi seems to settle in to the pillows; draping an arm around Tasha's head. Kevin's snores resume.

Tasha: (slowing fading into dreamland...)

Levi: Luuunch?

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